Randomly Sort Book Grids with MBM Advanced Grids

Version 1.9 of MBM Advanced Grids adds the ability to randomly sort your book grids. This feature was requested by a member of book group who maintains her group’s website using Mooberry Book Manager and MBM Advanced Grids. She displays a book grid of the books that are currently on sale, however she noticed the first few books in the grid generally get more clicks that other books further down. So she wanted a way to randomize the sorting so that it would be more fair.

An option for “Random” was added to the Ordery By dropdown in MBM Advanced Grids. Every time the grid is loaded, the books will be in a different, randomized order.

There is one exception, however. On grids that are paginated, the order of the grid will only change every 15 minutes. This is so that as the user is clicking through the pages of the grid, the order is not changed which could cause users to see books multiple times, or never.

 I hope you enjoy this new feature of MBM Advanced Grids. If there’s something you’d like to see added to Mooberry Book Manager or any of its extensions, reach out and let me know!